Saturday, January 24, 2009

Weekly Update

Even though we had Monday off, this seemed to be a busy week. With Basketball two nights and a new term start at Bingham it seems like some days just flew by. I've finally complained enough to gain better than full access to our new grading system at work and yesterday was probably the most peaceful day I've had! I can now change/update attendance and grades in one click. So nice! Monday we had dinner at Applebees with good friends we were suppose to go miniature golfing but all of us being blessed with the gift of gab ended up talking and telling stories for almost 3 hours. We feel so blessed to have great friends! Today (Saturday) has been a peaceful day including sleeping in, a trip to the grocery store, watching basketball and making homemade Chocolate Carmel cookies, Salsa, Guac and tacos. Oh how I love Homemade Mexican food! It brings wonderful memories of childhood every time I smell the hot chili pequin, and cooking corn tortillas. At least once a month my Dad would fry up homemade corn chips and we would have tacos or enchiladas with Rio's salsa, if you have never made your own chips you are definitely missing out on a choice experience and yes, a lot of oil...


Jackie said...

My motto is "oil makes everything better".;)

Kat said...

Thanks for the cookies. Sorry I was out of it when you came over. :)

Granny said...

I love the new background. Really nice.

Amen Sister, nothing beats homemade Mexican. Not that I do much of it myself, but the folks at work provide me with many wonderful concoctions...warm arroz con leche on a cold January morning...hmmmmm!

Princess Carrie said...

Marc and I are ready for another Monday night out at Chili's with you guys! That was a blast!

Tara said...

You always make me wish I were at your house for dinner.

We got to sleep in today too. Aren't laid back Saturdays (when they actually happen) the best?

Fancy Nancy Pants said...

First of all - you are so cute, Amy! I just love you!

Secondly, how in the heck do you find all these blog template sites? This is another super cute one! By far it's my favorite background!!!!

I'm gonna have to get Doug to whip up some of those homemade chips... you've got my mouth watering!