Thursday, January 15, 2009


Torture 1Torture 2We've been up to a lot lately, cooking at home, working out with what I now call Torture 1 and Torture 2 there are better names, I am just trying to be good...
We are doing a family fitness challenge with Chad's family and it has really helped us to be good, no soda, lots of exercise, plenty of fruits and veggies and more sleep. Yep the end is near ;) actually it's been really good. We're getting a lot done and having fun growing in new ways.
This last week we participated in Amy and Wayne's wedding. They definitely know how to party! We are so happy for them and really enjoyed being a part of their big day. Here are a few pics of the great day.


Granny said...

Fun post. Torture 2 looks pretty spiffy. Keep it up!

Erin said...

Must. See. Bigger. Pictures!:)

I too have my own torture device!

Erin said...
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Princess Carrie said...

I want it to be summer so we can walk in the mornings again...stupid cold and work! Good times at the wedding!

Tara said...

You're so funny. It's great that you're pushing yourself through the torture.

The longer you do it, the less it feels like torture and the more you crave it. It's a little crazy that way!