Saturday, August 30, 2008

Why I need to excercise

Forty minutes of cardio 4x a week can double the amount of blood flow to the hippocampus (the brain's memory center), enhancing recall, report scientists.-Fitness Mag

This is my motivation for the week. Since last night, I forgot my phone was on my seat belt and I stopped to run an errand and lost it for 12 hours. How lame am I that I have felt like I lost an appendage or even my car. I am far too dependant on my cell phone. So as I drove around running errands this Saturday morning in preparation for Game Day...I realized I missed talking to my husband or friends any ol time I wanted to, being able to answer a text when someone texted me, my grocery list, the code to my parents gated community...and a whole lot of other things.

So I will exercise more this week in order to have more flow to my brain. Apparently I need it since my phone has been pulling most of the weight.


Granny said...

Isn't it amazing how dependent we have all become on this wonderful convenience.

Good reason for us all to put in more cardio time.

Erin said...

So, what's Tara excuse? :)

Anyway, I hear ya on the exercise thing. I haven't run in about 2 weeks! Here's to getting it going again...and increased brain power!