Saturday, August 9, 2008

Google and other deep thoughts

Google is my friend. We have a deep relationship, it not only makes me look good at work when it answers my odd questions, but it also helps me learn new things like how to fix a fence or dishwasher, how to order parts or books, how to cook certain foods, the list is endless.
But when I have those deep thoughts that I ponder on constantly and even dream about, I often wish that that my friend Google worked on brains. Like when I voice the never ending question, "What do you want for dinner?" I could access my Chadoogle and it would say, "Wow, I really want tacos." Or when I am stuck in an extended meeting, I could reference my Workoggle and it would tell me what time I would get out of the meeting or what's going on in my office that I might need to rush back to. Or I could hit the ever ending Friendoogle or Enemyoogle (yes, apparently I have arch enemies just like Batman) and it would give me advice on how to help someone, what they are thinking or how to fix a problem.
How grateful I am that we have prayer the best "oogle" that we could ever need! One that actually answers back, and provides support and love. I am also oh so grateful for my wonderful Chadoogle that thankfully never goes offline and continues to help me oh so many times. Yes I am having dilemmas in my oh so "Psycho Amy" world that I only wish I could Google and fix. So to my blogoogle one of the many questions is, how do you love someone who despises you??


Erin said...

What a funny post! Unfortunately, I don't have any advice on the enemy issue. But, I hope that everything works out sooner or later.

Chad said...

This is Chad. To tag on to Amy's comments. one of my biggest pet peeves is poor communication. My good wife knows this and does a wonderful job of communicating. Other people are not so good at this. What do you do with people who make you play the guessing game instead of just communicating in the first place?!?!?