As we have started to watch the U.S. Olympic trials this last few weeks, in and around all other obligations, I have felt the Olympic spirit start to charge through our home... We just can't wait! 8-8-08 baby!
A great big THANKS to our amazing friend Jake who made sure our Air Conditioning got fixed! Jake is an awesome friend who helped us get a cheaper motor to fix our air conditioning. He also lent us an awesome portable air conditioner that has helped a ton and is even helping more as we now work on cooling our house down. Yes, we are wimps, but we like living in a 70 degree house! What great blessings we have had this week with Heavenly Father putting us in the right place at the right time and for answering our prayers. We feel so incredibly blessed! Well tomorrow I am off to Ogden for a few days with my parents and Chad is off to Mount Pleasant for his first Softball Tournament. He is so excited! We will give more updates when we get back.
We are counting our blessings of having finished our basement this last year. Why, you ask? Well our air-conditioning compressor stopped working last night about 8pm. At this time and most of today it has been 85-90 degrees in our house... : ( But thankfully Heavenly Father has blessed us and the basement is about 7o degrees. So in and around lots of meetings today (including a morning side at our hourse) and both of us ending up speaking in Sacrament meeting today, we have been living in the basement. A good friend came by and apparently all we need is a new motor, not a whole new compressor. We are thankful for that too! Oh and you ask how we both ended up speaking in sacrament? Well my little high-councilman's newly returned missionary partner didn't show up. And the crazy woman that I am, I jokingly said I would help if needed. Well, they took me up on it, mind you I offered a couple of minutes before sacrament started...once again I thank my Heavenly Father for lending me the help to speak for 10 minutes with nothing prepared. I guess I really will do about anything to get to sit by my husband at church. By the way his talk was amazing, and yes I do think he can do just about everything! I feel so lucky to have him as my husband!
Yes we are back! We had a wonderful time and the Heber Valley Camp is my new best friend! Okay, well at least the mecca of all camp sites! We feel like big time pampered campers. The dedicated land truly is a temple in the mountains. The spirit was strong and I was able to hang out with my sister and niece for a week, which was WONDERFUL!!! Especially since the last night some of our girls actually asked who was older! Yes, we were a little sleep deprived and just beyond hilarious, dancing and singing to "baby shark" (just another possessed camp song!). And my honey was able to witness it all. Poor guy, I hope he recovers! Here are a few pics of the camp and how cute we were during the week.
Yes, I know Chad's B-day was about almost a month ago. I forgot that I hadn't remembered to post a couple of items that he received. Beyond a great card and check ;), and church books from the parents, and an awesome Baseball game provided by the wifey... I know I rock! These two items a BYU scoreboard clock to go on his wall at school and birthday wishes from yeah only Bronco Mendenhall and Byran Kehl, (btw Erin and Spencer you guys rock!!!) just a reminder that football season is just around the corner!
Yes, as of today at 2:00 we will both be out on Summer vacation for a little while. While Chad goes back the second week of August, I go back July 31st... but no complaining, I am so excited to be out for a few weeks! On the horizon we have Girls Camp this next week and Youth Conference second week of July. Both of which we hope will go well. And our real vacation of the summer. New York! We are so excited to go and visit Spencer, Erin and Anna, oh yeah, and New York too. Stay tuned for fabulous pic's from Girls Camp!