Monday, June 29, 2009

I Did It!

Hi everyone, this is Chad! I am not usually one to brag too much about myself. However, this last week I finished my Master's Degree in Educational Administration. I was able to complete the work with a 3.95 GPA to boot! I ran away and hid from this task many times before finally enrolling and doing it! What a stressful and LONG two years it has been. I am so grateful for an amazing wife who stands by me in all that I do and cheers me all the way! I am also grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who made it all happen for me. Oh, and Mom, I told you I would do better! Stay tuned everyone, who knows where I will get hired in the coming months. There will be change at our house one way or another. Life is, after all, one adventure after another!


Erin said...

Congratulations! I hope you find a great new job somewhere!

Tara said...

Seriously proud of you! That is a really great acheivement and those grades are impressive!!

Congrats! How 'bout you celebrate with a trip to Washington! :)

Granny said...

Way to go Big Brother. I knew you could do it. We are so proud of you! But, would you really leave AF High? You're such a Caveman at heart.

Red headed left handed Bishops said...

Congratulations!!! You are such a stud and we are so impressed and proud of you!!! I think you should find a job somewhere up north by us!!

Kat said...

Congratulations! That is awesome. :) Love the new pic and background.

Alyson said...

Congratulations!!! Wow Seely, you are amazing. Are you really leaving AF?!?! Let me know when you get back in town, I've still got to come over and have you meet my little Claire!