Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just can't get enough...

Ice Cream...also known as Therapy. See I used to think I consumed a moderate every once in a while amount of ice cream, then you take the spouse away, the constant companion puppies, and add a for sale sign in your front yard, stress, and a job that is beyond frustrating...and all of the sudden you can easily replace dinner with moon pie flavored ice cream. I don't even like Moon Pies! Just thought it was Big Bang, Mee Maw funny...


Erin said...

Well, I must say that ice cream is probably better then the donuts I usually go for in my hours of emotional eating!

Granny said...

We'll be sharing Blizzards soon, but what will be our excuse then?

Amy said...

Close Quarters? lol

Kat said...

Gotta love the ice cream. It is seriously the best therapy ever. :)

Jackie said...

Me and ice cream go back a long ways.

That's all I've got.