Saturday, October 17, 2009

Medical Miracles

Several weeks ago my mom had a Total Ankle Replacement. It is so amazing! See here for the video, no it's not her surgery, it's just a video on how they preform the procedure. This is such a huge blessing for she and my dad! She had an ankle fusion 8 years ago that never fused. She has basically been walking on a broke ankle/foot and two huge broken screws for the last few years. We were able to go up have dinner with them last night and just hang out and talk for several hours. I am so grateful for parents that love each other and support each other. I know I'm biased but I really feel that we both have the best families!


Kat said...

Wow! That is amazing what they can do now with modern medicine. I hope your mom is doing good.

Jackie said...

that is so awesome. I'm happy for your momma.

Tara said...

I'm going to forego watching the video since I don't do well with blood and such. But that sure sounds like an incredible surgery.

Hope your mom recovers well.

Red headed left handed Bishops said...

Oh that's awesome! It's been a long time coming for her! Give her and your dad my love!!