Monday, February 9, 2009

Teeth stink!!

This is what my cheek feels like...yeah maybe not that cute. I have an infection on a tooth that was crowned over a year ago. Root Canal anyone?? I hate teeth! I know my mom would say be grateful for what I have and I am most of the time, just not this weekend. So Friday I called the Dentist tole him what the problem was and he called in a prescription for me, I thought I was a little ahead of the game getting the script early and would be fine. Which I was until Saturday night. We went to a Hot dog Roast at a friends and it had been a while since my last dose of Ibuprofen. So I tried Lortab...I think I have had it before, it helped for a while, went home, felt worse, took more in the middle of the night, still didn't work... massive pain... took more before I went to church (it does say you can take it every 4 hours (since I think I totally sound like a druggie)), halfway through Sacrament meeting I am beyond nauseous and trying not to throw up. My sweet husband takes me home leaves me on the couch and runs off to more meetings, yes, he's amazing! So I worship the porcelain throne the rest of the night and finally the effects of Lortab leave my system. How can people love this stuff?? It's now Monday night after a very long day I think the Penicillin is starting to work. I know for sure that prayer works! I also know that I have the best husband in the world who is willing to hold back my hair (if needed and thankfully it wasn't) and rub my back when I cry!


Princess Carrie said...

Love the picture as I said on the phone!!!

Christi said...

You poor thing! I'm sorry it was so horrible for you. The picture is really cute BTW.

Ian and Kristin said...

Oh I feel for you! Tooth pain is the worst! When you have a toothache you can not focus on anything else. I has so much sympathy for all my patients and you!! I hope you feel better! Good luck with your root canal. Yuck!

Kat said...

I am so sorry to hear that you are not doing to good with the teeth. I can completely sympathize with you. It is not fun. I hope the antibiotics work and you start to feel better!

Erin said...

That sounds horrible! I hope you get your root canal soon (I know that's really weird to wish that upon someone) so your pain will be gone forever.

Red headed left handed Bishops said...

Oh I'm so sorry, you poor thing!!! I feel your nauseous pain with Lortab, I can't take that stuff because it makes me puke too!! I'm so sorry, please let me know if you need anything!!

Janet said...

HI Amy, I saw your comment on Christy's and thought I'd spy on you, I hope you don't mind! :) I hope that you feel better soon! Oh and this is late, but, thanks SO MUCH for the cookies at christmas. My kids LOVED them. Loved. I need the recipe! If you want an invite to ours email me and I'll send you an invite. It's

Tara said...

I'm so sorry! I hope you are feeling better by now. I feel badly that you were suffering with this days ago and I'm just seeing it for the first time five days later. I'm be thinking about you.