Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

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Here are the cute kiddos from Halloween. We did wake Ginger up and force her to wear a Frog costume for a few minutes. Yep, we're evil. I have to say I have the best honey ever! Even though we had made plans with friends he politely bowed out and then he let me hang out with him all night away from the trick or treating crowd watching TV/movies. He bought pizza and Halloween candy to appease the psycho ailing wifey, then he had to endure me sleeping on the couch for most of the evening. He is an amazingly patient man!! I don't know if I have ever loved him more!!


Familia Martinez said...

Great Husband! Kudos for you Chad!

Granny said...

I'll agree. He's a pretty amazing guy!

Tara said...

Ginger makes a cute frog!

Sorry to hear that you're "ailing." Hope you're feeling better soon.